Featuring the Music and Ministry of Ken & Annette MacDonald
We were married in 1980, and since that time have worked as a team in the ministry of "helps". With a compassion for others and a strong desire to be used of God, we have found many opportunities to use our God-given talents for His glory and honour.
We have been blessed with three children, Esther, Joel and Elizabeth, a son-in-law Aaron, and three precious grandchildren, Emily, Liam and Ben.
Ken was ordained to ministry in Moultrie, Georgia, in 1983 and currently holds credentials with Maranatha Revivals Inc. He has served in the capacity of Pastor, Assistant Pastor, Trustee, and Sunday School Teacher.
Annette is a talented song-writer and has played the piano in church for many years, been church secretary, Youth Leader, Sunday School Teacher, Worship Leader and been guest speaker at several local Ladies events.
All along the way we have continued to sing. "Hearts for Hymn" expresses the desire we harbour to have hearts for God, and the thing we enjoy so much, singing.
© 2018 Hearts For Hymn Ministries. All Rights Reserved
after that miracles, then gifts of healings,